1. S837 Abend
If you are getting S837 abend, then follow the below steps to fix it.
//Spacejob Job Class=A,Msglevel=1,Msgclass=s
//Step1 Exec Pgm=SpacUtil
//Input DD Dsn=Sample.Space.Input,Disp=SHR
//Output DD Dsn=Sample.Space.Output,
// Disp=(New,Catlg,Delete),
// Dcb=(Lrecl=80,Blksize=800,Recfm=FB),
// Unit=Disk,
// Space=(Cyl(1,1),Rlse)
Well, this abend happens when memory need to be released.
You can follow any of the below two steps to fix it. Most recommended one is the first fix.
Fix 1:
You need to contact your project analyst to free up the allocated memory space.
In this case, you have given the minimum cylinders of cyl(1,1). But that itself is considered to be more.
So, the project analyst need to free up the unwanted memory space and after that if you re-run the job, your S837 will be fixed.
Fix 2:
If you change the Unit parameter as Tape from Disk as below
// Unit=Tape,
Then space will automatically be freed. If you re-run your job, S837 will be fixed.
But, this will work until your tape has free space.
When tape is also full, then again S837 abend will come. You need to contact your project analyst again to free up space. So, its better to follow Fix 1 always.
If you are getting S837 abend, then follow the below steps to fix it.
//Spacejob Job Class=A,Msglevel=1,Msgclass=s
//Step1 Exec Pgm=SpacUtil
//Input DD Dsn=Sample.Space.Input,Disp=SHR
//Output DD Dsn=Sample.Space.Output,
// Disp=(New,Catlg,Delete),
// Dcb=(Lrecl=80,Blksize=800,Recfm=FB),
// Unit=Disk,
// Space=(Cyl(1,1),Rlse)
Well, this abend happens when memory need to be released.
You can follow any of the below two steps to fix it. Most recommended one is the first fix.
Fix 1:
You need to contact your project analyst to free up the allocated memory space.
In this case, you have given the minimum cylinders of cyl(1,1). But that itself is considered to be more.
So, the project analyst need to free up the unwanted memory space and after that if you re-run the job, your S837 will be fixed.
Fix 2:
If you change the Unit parameter as Tape from Disk as below
// Unit=Tape,
Then space will automatically be freed. If you re-run your job, S837 will be fixed.
But, this will work until your tape has free space.
When tape is also full, then again S837 abend will come. You need to contact your project analyst again to free up space. So, its better to follow Fix 1 always.
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